The Bunch of Keys
The Bunch of Keys (Reel)
John got the tune from a recording of Sligo fiddle player Michael Coleman whom he greatly admired. John so much admired his fiddle playing that he called his son Michael Coleman Kelly.
The title may refer to the winged seed (called keys) of the ash tree which was fabled in Irish folklore, which hang in bunches before dropping. Link.
This was is also known as Paddy on the turnpike and was recorded by James Morrison.
Details: A tall ash tree beside water. Print made and published by: William Delamotte 1804.
Credit: The British Museum. Registration number1850,0413.35 Link.
John Kelly Senior playing The Bunch of Keys on the fiddle.
Credit: From “John Kelly Fiddle and Concertina” album, Topic Records 1974. Link.
Notated from above recording.